Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Every calorie counts...

2011 <span class=CalorieKing Calorie, Fat and Carbohydrate Counter"

Hello, and Happy New Year!! We are more then half way into the first month of 2011. How are you doing on the goals you've set?? Do you feel accomplished or frustrated??
My New Year didn't start out as planned. Their have been a few bumps in the road and I haven't been perfect at getting my workouts in or eating clean every day. I could let those set backs upset me and say "to heck with it all" or I can grab life by it's horns, learn from it and move on. What do you think I did?? I was always taught that nothing is easy, but it's all worth it. One of my goals was to really eat clean. I tend to snack sometimes more then I should, and at times I think "I worked out, so its okay."...FALSE!!! The workout gives you tiny room for treats, but not everyday!
You've probably all heard that writing your food down is very important. I can promise you it is 90% of your weight loss success. Start owning what you eat, if you can't write it down...SPIT IT OUT!!!
Calorie King has a free website and a book that helps you see the calories you may consume when you are dining in or out. It's a big eye opener. My goal for you (and myself) is to really think about what we eat and write it down so you can see how many calories you consume in a day. To lose weight we have to burn more calories then we consume.
If you have any questions...ask away!!

1 comment:

  1. Matt and I are on track to losing 20 lbs for him and 40 lbs for myself. We are using to make our menus the day ahead and keep track of what we eat. I am really ahppy with our progress and how keeping track of our food really helps. However, I'm now to the point where I am eating good, healthy, and mostly filling foods throughout my day but as the days go by it's getting harder and harder to feel satiated between meals (and snacks). I'm drinking lots of water and my calorie intake every day is 1239. Calorie count came up with this number based off my current height, weight, and desired weight. It says I should reach my goal of 40lbs lost by August of this year; that's with losing 1-2 lbs a week. Any advice on how to stay strong and full? I'm taking a daily multi-vitamin too.


What is New......

This month, I’m launching an exclusive group for this new nutrition program and I’m super excited for it! You can learn all about it here...