Thursday, January 12, 2012


Happy New Year!! I hope you are excited for an amazing year ahead of you!! 2012 IS THE YEAR FOR YOUR DREAMS TO COME ALIVE!! Whether you have set goals, stayed motivated, slipped up, or wondered why even bother with any New Years resolution. You can achieve anything you put your mind and heart too.

Greg Anderson says it perfectly "When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life."

So true!! For 2012 please put yourself first and ask "what will get me closer to my ultimate goal/dream?" If it is taking the stairs at work, saying no to the snacks in the break room, or taking a relaxing bubble bath at the end of the day....just do it!! Focus on the things you can do, and you will be amazed at what lies ahead!!

Stay tuned for..dinner make over with the help of a handsome 4 year old cheif :)

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